For Sale - Vauxhall Opel 4 speed Gearbox Gear levers

I have been asked if I have any spare gear levers for the 4 speed gearbox used on the Manta / Ascona A series a unit that was also installed in the Manta / Ascona B series, Vauxhall Cavalier Mk1, Opel Rekord C and D series.

Early Manta A series from 1970-73 used the gear lever with the petite black knob, but at some point around 1974 they began installing the larger style of gear knob in a faux blond wood effect and maintained this style through to the early Manta B series.

I have 3 gear levers, 2 work properly the other has a faulty reverse selector. They have all seen a fair amount of use and could do with a lick of paint, but are a long way from being rusty ancient relics! They have been dry stored indoors for the last 20 years.
The early and late types are interchangeable, the later type is easier on the hands as you have a bit more to grab hold of, in my opinion the earlier type is the more elegant design. I would be looking for £10 per item, plus postage charges.

Opel Manta A gear lever early

Opel Manta A gear lever late

3 gear levers for Opel Manta A series and other models

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