For Sale - Opel Manta A series 4 Speed Gearbox

Nothing special really, but Jack Smyth spotted on the main website that there was a salvaged Opel Manta A series gearbox going for £10..Yes just £10 for 25kg of finest German made metals.

You can't leave these sorts of components at the front of the house, here in London, an area where man hole covers, telephone cables and even sections of railway line disappear overnight!
I made sure that all fluids were fully drained (a condition of carriage) and split the bell housing from the main body of the gearbox in order to fit the unit in a box of reasonable size.
One useful thing I did learn, was that by keeping the box small, I was able to send it to Plymouth for just £10.80, which was quite surprising considering the weight of 25kg.

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